After over a decade of cutting myself off from my inner spirit, I decided to embark on a journey to find it. I had taken a few explorative detours before this moment, but for whatever reason didn’t approach it with the fervor I am now. It’s fitting. Just in time for my midlife crisis – when you take stock of your life. When you ask yourself Is this it? Is this all there is and does it make me happy?

For example, I bought this domain over 5 years ago. I liked the name and I had an idea to expand a concept my husband started when he was home with our newborn son. I dabbled with ideas and we started a facebook and twitter account. But it was a weak side gig that never went anywhere. So today, I’m starting with my first experiment and I hope this experiment will be one of many that builds the momentum I need to get this idea and website off the ground.

Experiment #1: Meditate before getting out of bed each morning for thirty days. If you are lazy or have a hard time getting out of bed, you’ll love this one! You don’t have to even open your eyes. In fact, you may snooze during it, but the meditation will still reach your subconscious. In fact, it may help that you are half awake. Just make sure you choose a meditation with a chant that really matters to your soul, a meditation that is created to change a thought pattern or just one that makes you feel centered and relaxed. It’s the best way to start your day. I’m serious.

Experiment #2: Write 3 pages in a journal every morning for thirty days. This will be easier for some than others. Don’t be careful about it. Just write whatever is on your mind and don’t bother reading it after. It’s not supposed to make sense. It is just a way to get your thoughts out on the page. It will clear your head for the day and you’ll be surprised about what you’ve been holding onto. Wow, what an unburdening!

Experiment #3: Take a hot power yoga class every morning for thirty days. OMG… I love this one. The thought of being in a hot room full of sweaty people did not strike me as fun and I even shuddered at it. BUT OMG, I feel AMAZiNG afterward. If you are full of injuries like I am, your body will thank you. And the sweatiness isn’t as disgusting as you think it will be. Invest in a good yoga cover.

Experiment #4: Hold a 15-minute dance-off every afternoon or evening for thirty days. I forget how much I love dancing sometimes. A good dance can release so much tension and make you feel 10x better. Plus, if you have kids… it’s a fun way to bring some joy into the house. My son and I also do Wii dance-offs. He hasn’t beat me yet.

Experiment #5: Pick one new place to explore once a weekTake yourself out on an artist’s date or to a movie or to dinner even. Go by yourself. Don’t be shy! I know it’s hard because I’m terribly shy, but it will not be as bad as you think. No one cares and you’ll start to notice there are others that are perfectly happy to be alone. There is something magical about exploring something new by yourself. You can focus on the exploration with only the chatter in your head. Ok, stop the chatter. Just relax and be present.

Experiment #6: Walk down a crowded street and smile at everyone you see. Ha, this is a fun one. If you live in NYC, this will be a kick. People tend to stay in their lanes in NY. We are all in a rush to get somewhere. The only attention we pay to people is when we are trying to get around them. If you live in other parts of the country, maybe you smile at everyone you pass. But if you are in NY, smiling is usually considered an open invitation for crazies. However, I’ve performed this experiment a lot in my neighborhood and I love it. It’s interesting to see the responses and sometimes the brightest energy gets passed between two people. You never know when it’s going to happen so it’s like a surprising surge of goodness.

Experiment #7: Do one thing you are afraid of every week. Ok, every month? I’m such a scaredy cat! I have to push myself out of my comfort zone every once in a while. It’s hard but so rewarding! My son is a scaredy cat like me and helping him through some of his fears encourages me to keep pushing myself in a loving way. Because sometimes you find that if you push yourself, you fall in love with something you were previously scared of and you can’t imagine your life without it. What a shame to not discover it because of fear!

Experiment #8: Learn something new. Ok, I’m naturally curious. I am always trying to learn 10 new things at once. I’m ok with not finishing some things. Because the attempt is all it takes to challenge your brain. Countless studies cite learning something new will stave off dementia. Read something new, take an online course or learn to cook something new. It doesn’t have to be a huge effort to learn something new.

Experiment #9: Reach out to someone you’ve admired from afar and ask them for a coffee date. No, I’m not talking about a romantic date! When you get older, it’s so hard to meet new friends. Plus, sometimes we naturally attract people who are most like ourselves. It’s good to diversify your acquaintances, especially if you are in a rut. It can shift your perspective and you could meet a life-long friend.

Experiment #10: Train for a race. Walking, running, biking, swimming or all four! I remember when I signed up for the NYC triathlon, I thought… I can bike, run and swim. No biggie! It turned out I didn’t really know how to swim. It was the scariest thing I have ever done and I almost quit. But I didn’t. I figured out how I could get over my fear and I did it. That is one achievement I’ll cherish into my old age.